When it comes to printing a paperback graphic novel, paperback graphic novel, you want your characters and scenes to leap off the pages. Whether it’s a swashbuckling adventure story, a futuristic fantasy, or something in between, graphic novels are designed to draw the reader in and keep them engaged panel after panel, page after page.
So how can you go about ensuring that your paperback graphic novel is printed with the highest quality and attention to detail? Just follow these simple steps:
First, finalize your graphic novel
Before your graphic novel can be printed, you’ll need to make sure that everything is complete and just the way you want it. That means making sure that the artwork, the dialogue, and the story itself are all finalized. Make sure to double-check the art style, font choices and colors for consistency.
If you spot any errors or issues, make sure to go ahead and edit them at this stage of the process. Be sure to pay special attention to spelling, grammar, and the “flow” or continuity of the story.
Once these elements are finalized, it’s time to move onto formatting. That means taking the time to understand printing details like page dimensions, margins and bleed areas for edge-to-edge printing. Here at OnPress, we’ve prepared several helpful guides to help you format your text and prepare your graphics files
for printing.
Next, choose a printing method
Whether you need one graphic novel or 10,000 (or more!), OnPress Book Printing has you covered. Our state-of-the-art printing presses can have your order done in as little as two business days for less than you might expect. We’re also G7 certified, which means that your colors will always be consistent from print to print across many different printers and devices.
Select your print specifications
Once you’ve decided how many copies of your graphic novel you’d like to order, it’s time to dive into print specifications. Ordinarily, this can be a challenge, especially if you’re printing your graphic novel for the first time, but don’t worry, we’re here to help you make sense of it all!
Graphic novel sizes
The most-common graphic novel sizes are 6.625” x 10.25” (the standard comic size) or 5.5” x 8.5” (digest size). Choose the size that best complements your artwork and genre.
Paper type
Next comes the paper type. You’ll need to decide on both the interior and the cover. For the interior, you’ll need to choose either a glossy or matte finish. Glossy paper makes the colors pop and stand out more, while matte finish offers a softer, more subtle effect.
For the cover, you’ll want to choose a thicker paper stock for added durability. You can optionally add UV coating or lamination for added protection against scuffs and fingerprints.
Paperback graphic novels are usually perfect bound with a glued spine, which gives them a professional look and feel.
Get your files print-ready
The next step of the process is to get your files ready for printing. You’ll want to be sure that all your images are at least 300 DPI or better to make them as crisp and sharp as possible. Use the CMYK color mode (not RGB) when designing to make sure your chosen colors carry over to print.
You’ll also want to add a bleed area (usually 0.125 inches) to all sides to prevent any white edges after your graphic novel is printed. Keep important content within the “safe zone” of the print templates so that nothing gets cut off during the printing process. After this, you’ll have completed all the steps you need to follow to ensure the best possible printed results for your graphic novel.
Now comes perhaps the most important choice of all: choosing your printer.
Choose your printer wisely
Not all book printers understand the nuances of graphic novels, but at OnPress, we do. We’re able to provide you with samples as well as detailed specifications to give you the most-accurate price and turnaround time on your printed paperback graphic novel. Our experience and expertise in graphic novel printing makes us one of the best printers for graphic novels.
Understand your budget
Once you’ve decided on a printer, you’ll want to request a quote online. Carefully consider the costs involved in printing your graphic novel. Print costs will vary depending on how many books you order, the size of the books, and the type of paper you choose. Bulk printing will have higher shipping costs to distributors (or directly to customers) as well.
You’ll also want to keep in mind any distribution fees or setup fees involved in getting your graphic novel out to retailers and other bookstores.
Market your graphic novel
Last but not least, it’s time to market your graphic novel! The good news is that you now have more options than ever to share your story with fans around the world. You can distribute your graphic novel online through platforms like Amazon, or approach local comic stores or bookstores. Market yourself at conventions, book fairs, or signings to engage directly with readers and spread the word.
Don’t forget that other options like social media, book launch events, and collaborations can be incredibly lucrative ways to promote your graphic novel. Don’t forget to get your ISBN and barcode before you publish, especially if you’re planning to sell in stores!
With OnPress Book Printing, we’re here for you every step of the way to bring your graphic novel vision to reality. From detailed printing templates and guidance to superior-quality color and crisp text, we take great care throughout every step of the printing process to make sure that your graphic novel gets the attention it deserves.
Contact us today to learn more about our paperback graphic novel printing services and how we can help you bring your creative vision to life!
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